Our Path

Our path is a collection of sounds and photographs depicting a cyclical journey, covering the same ground over a number of months. Initially the artist dominating the sounds upon the land, the slowing and listening of and to the earth. The seasons change and sounds change rise from the earth, presenting her domination and enduring power. This work brings forth the concept that while we as humans claim superiority, earth will endure. The only truly sustainable environment are those where we as humans let go of our dominance and release our power to the earth.

This piece was created partly in response to the Lake Country Public Art gallery call for pieces in their Restless Earth Exhibition in April/May 2018. In this photo and sound video, I explore a section of Mission Park in Kelowna. I visited the site over a 4 month period, recording sounds and taking pictures as I walked the same terrain each time. The video is also part of “The Assembly” an online exhibition at Alternator Centre for contemporary art in February 2022.

The first time I visited I made the sound, crunching in the winter snow, very few sounds from nature. The land was suppressed by the heavy snow, it almost felt as though everything was in black and white and that was my reason for choosing that medium. As I went back and visited again and again, nature was stirring, the trees sprang back to life, the water began to flow. A trickle at first then a torrent. I was no longer the one making sounds, nature had come back full force.

Our Path (7:34) Video, 2018

Images from the project